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Agreement-offer for training


April 10, 2023 

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is an official offer (public offer) of IE Isabaev Shamil Olegovich (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", the first party) to conclude an agreement on the conditions set forth below to any individualperson (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", the second party). This document is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The person who has accepted this public offer acquires all the rights and obligations of the Customer under this agreement.

1.3. The acceptance of this public offer is the implementation by the Customer of full or partial payment for information and consulting services in accordance with the terms of this agreement. From the moment of receipt of funds in payment for the services rendered to the settlement account of the Contractor, this agreement is considered concluded between the Customer and the Contractor.

1.4. Acceptance of this Offer and, accordingly, the conclusion of this Agreement means that the Customer, to the extent necessary for him, has familiarized himself with the terms and conditions ofof this agreement and the rules of the payment system (hereinafter referred to as the System), the specifics of the functioning of the System and the site on which the training materials are posted, recognizes the unconditional suitability of the System, the site for performing actions and achieving the goals that are the subject of this agreement.

1.5. By accepting this offer, the Customer confirms that the provision of services by the Contractor under this agreement remotely using software (hereinafter referred to as the Software) is fully consistent with the Customer's ability to use the services provided in this way.

1.6. The current offer agreement is always located at:

1.7. In this agreement, unless its text expressly implies otherwise, the following words and expressions will have the following meanings:

1.7.1. Webinar is:

   - video presentation of the training program, with comments by the Contractor;

 - real-time broadcast of the Performer's performance using special software.

The customer asks questions on the topic of the webinar using the webinar room chat or using other means of Internet communication.

1.7.2. Agreement - this document, published on the Internet, as well as sent for review by e-mail or provided for review by any other means.

1.7.3. Coaching is a form of providing information and consulting services, during which the following goals and objectives are set:

  - formation and development, as well as development of the Customer's skills and abilities, in accordance with the coaching program;

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_-  creating conditions for the Customer to independently search for solutions to emerging problems on a specific topic.

1.7.4. Paid community, (community with paid access, membership) - a virtual platform on the Internet for bringing together a group of people in a specific field of activity or interests with access to such a platform for communication and exchange of experience, as well as information materials (video lessons, articles, forums  for communication and exchange of experience) posted on it for a monthly fee in the format of recurrent payments.

1.7.5. Software (software) - a browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome and similar) for accessing information resources located on the Internet, other programs for processing the information provided. The customer undertakes to independently ensure the availability of the software on his personal computer.

1.7.6. Recurring payments - constant payments that the Customer pays as a subscription fee (in the order of 100% prepayment) to gain access to the site of a paid community, or to certain services of the Customer, which are implemented in the membership format for a certain period (month, quarter or year). Recurring payments are automatically deducted from the bank (credit) card, whose data the Customer indicates when activating access to the membership's personal account. 

1.7.7. Site - a set of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos and video materials and other results of intellectual activity, as well as computer programs contained in an information system that ensures the availability of such information on the Internet at network addresses _cc781905-5cde owned by the Contractor -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

2.Subject of the contract

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the paid provision of information and consulting services to the Customer in the form of individual and group coaching sessions, the provision of information products, including in the form of online seminars (online intensives), online trainings, online conferences and face-to-face ( "live") trainings, master classes and conferences, as well as providing video recordings of such events in mp4 format or links for viewing them, educational materials in the form of books and checklists in pdf format, audio casts in mp3 format -files or links for listening to them (hereinafter referred to as “Services”, “Service”); 

2.2. The Customer pays for the Services, and the Contractor assumes the obligation to perform such Services, in accordance with the package chosen by the Customer. 

2.3. Topics, programs, the cost of the Services and the registration form are posted on the relevant page (site) for the sale of such a Service. 

2.4. The Service is provided by the Contractor remotely via the Internet, using software (SW), unless otherwise specified on the Website for the sale of the relevant Service. 

2.5. The service is limited to providing the Customer with information and the formation of skills for its independent use.

3.   Terms of Service

3.1. The Services under this Agreement are rendered within the time limits specified on the website for the sale of the respective Service.

3.2. By the decision of the Contractor, the terms for the provision of certain types of Services may be increased by the time necessary for the effective completion of the course by the Customer (mastering the information provided by the Contractor), if the general level of training and academic performance of the latter do not allow training within the time specified on the sales website.

         3.3. Services under this agreement are considered to be rendered with proper quality and on time, as well as accepted by the Customer, if within 3 (three) calendar days after the expiration of the period specified in clause 3.1 of this agreement for the relevant service, the Customer has not raised a reasoned objection to the quality and the scope of such services by sending an application to

3.4. Access to the training materials of the main course and additional materials is retained by the Customer indefinitely.

4.   Procedure for the provision of services

4.1. The Contractor provides the Services under this Agreement in accordance with the service package chosen by the Customer. 

4.2. Access to the Services under this agreement is carried out by the Contractor as follows:

4.2.1. For the provision of services for conducting an individual coaching session and group coaching sessions (mastermind groups), information about the time and place of such coaching session (s)   is provided to the Customer’s e-mail specified when making payment (registration for the Service), unless a different notification procedure is established by the Parties.

Fulfillment of the obligation to provide the Service specified in this clause is considered to be the fact of holding such a session on the dates, in the quantity and in the manner established on the website for the sale of such a Service or agreed by the Parties. 

In the event that the Customer did not participate (did not appear) for an individual coaching session without good reason or did not agree on a different time for the Service in a timely manner, the Contractor's obligations to provide such a Service are considered to be fulfilled in full and on the date when such a service should have been provided. .

If the Customer does not participate for any reason in group coaching sessions, the obligations of the Contractor to provide such a Service are considered fulfilled when such a service was rendered on time and to the extent in accordance with the established schedule for conducting coaching sessions.

4.2.2. To provide services for conducting online seminars (online intensives), online conferences infoInformation about the time and place of the event is provided to the Customer's e-mail specified when making the payment (registration for the intensive). Such a letter is sent by the Contractor on the day of the corresponding online event twice: no later than 6 and 1 hours before the appointed time.

Fulfillment of the obligation to provide the Service specified in this clause is considered to be the fact of holding the relevant online event in the terms, quantity and in the manner established on the website for the sale of such a Service, regardless of whether the Customer himself participated directly or not._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

4.2.3. To provide services for conducting online trainings with access to the closed section of the Contractor's website, where training materials and recordings of webinars on the training program are posted (will be posted), the corresponding access passwords are provided by the Contractor within 24 hours from the receipt of payment from the Customer._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The information specified in this paragraph is sent to the e-mail address of the Customer specified by him when purchasing the course. To receive training materials in the closed section of the Contractor's website, the Customer must register on such a website.

Information about the time and place of the webinars under the training program for the direct participation of the Customer is provided by the Contractor in accordance with the rules of clause 4.2.2. of this agreement. 

4.2.4. Webinars within the framework of the Online Training Service in accordance with the service package selected by the Customer are made by the Contractor at least 2 times a week, unless otherwise specified for the corresponding course program. At the same time, the Contractor ensures that the recording of these webinars is posted no later than 2 (two) business days from the date of the webinar. 

For the period of holidays, the frequency of webinars is adjusted, the current webinar may be rescheduled for the next working days.

Due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor, the current webinar may be postponed by the Contractor's decision for the duration of such circumstances, of which the Customer is immediately notified by e-mail specified when purchasing the course, as well as by other means of modern communication.

         4.2.5. Fulfillment of the obligation to conduct online training is considered the fact of holding the relevant webinars on the training program in the terms, quantity and program established on the website for the sale of such a Service. 

4.3. For certain types of Services that involve homework, submitting a report on such lessons is a prerequisite for access to the recordings of subsequent lessons.

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3 Checking homework for those packages of Services that include the specified option is carried out by the Contractor on business days within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the receipt of the Customer's report. If the Customer submits a homework report on a non-working day, the Contractor checks it on the first working day following the non-working day.

4.3.2. The result of the check is expressed by the Contractor in writing in the comments to the corresponding lesson in the closed section of the site or orally at the next webinar with feedback on homework. The fact of verification (credit) by the Performer  of the homework for the corresponding lesson can also be expressed by providing access to the next lesson.

         4.4. To provide services in the form of providing video recordings of the Contractor’s online and “live” events in mp4 format or links for viewing them, educational materials in the form of books and checklists in pdf format, audio casts in mp3 format or links for listening to them - access to their viewing (downloading, listening) is carried out by the Contractor within 24 hours from the date of receipt of payment from the Customer.

The fulfillment of the obligation to provide access to the materials specified in this paragraph is the fact of sending the relevant links to the Customer's e-mail box specified during payment, or providing access to such materials in the closed section of the site where they are located.

4.5. To provide services for conducting face-to-face trainings and seminars, information about the time, place,  order and conditions of the event is posted on the website for the sale of such an event. The Contractor may additionally send such information to the e-mail address of the Customer specified by him when purchasing the Service. 

The fulfillment of the obligation to conduct face-to-face trainings and seminars  is the fact of holding the relevant event under the program, on time, in the amount specified on the website for the sale of such a Service. 

4.6.  To provide services in the form of providing access to training materials in the membership format, access to them is carried out by the Contractor within 24 hours from the receipt of payment from the Customer in the amount of the cost of recurring payments for the access period selected by the Customer. Access to the materials of the membership is provided in the form of activation of the relevant links for viewing (downloading) training materials in the Customer's personal account on the Site. 

The fulfillment of the obligation under this clause is considered to be the activation of access to such materials for the membership period purchased by the Customer, regardless of whether the Customer studied the materials received or not. 

4.7. The Customer independently monitors all updates and changes in the information received from the Contractor under this Agreement.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties


5.1.1. Provide Services properly and on time.

5.1.2. After confirming the fact of payment, provide the Customer with Instructions for using the remote program, training materials and access to the Service selected by the Customer. 

5.1.3. Do not disclose information about the Customer's personal data without his consent and process them solely for the purpose of executing this contract in accordance with the Privacy Policy approved by the Contractor. 


5.2.1. Refuse to provide services to the Customer if payment for the selected Service is not received on time. 

5.2.2. Demand from the Customer conscientious fulfillment of the obligations assumed, respectful attitude towards other course participants and the Contractor personally.

5.2.3. Change the terms of this agreement unilaterally, without prior agreement with the Customer, while ensuring the publication of the amended terms on the website at: at least one day prior to their entry into force.

5.2.4. Change unilaterally the schedule for posting training material, conducting feedback on homework and other consultations, without changing the established frequency of their conduct, as well as changing and supplementing the content of lessons and assignments for the Customer.

5.2.5. Unilaterally terminate this Agreement in the event of a material breach by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement. At the same time, the funds paid by the Customer under this agreement are non-refundable and are a penalty for the actions of the Customer.

A material violation of the terms of this Agreement means any violation of copyrights regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright, including a single violation by the Customer of clause 5.3.7. actual agreement.

At the discretion of the Contractor, depending on the nature of the violation, any violation by the Customer of the rules established by clause 5.3.4 may be considered significant. - 5.3.11. of this Agreement, committed once and/or more than twice.

5.2.6. involve third parties for the provision of services in accordance with this agreement.  



5.3.1. To independently get acquainted on the website of the sale of the relevant Service with information  about the terms, program and conditions for its provision. 

5.3.2. Have a personal computer or other portable (mobile) device with Internet access, equipped with headphones and a microphone, as well as with installed software, necessary and sufficient to receive the purchased Service.  

5.3.3. Adhere to the established schedule of the training program, the goals and essence of completing the tasks of the Contractor, comply with the deadlines for completing homework, follow the recommendations and requirements of the Contractor as part of the provision of services under this agreement, ensure their direct participation in webinars  (individual or group coaching sessions) according to the purchased Service. 

5.3.4. Timely pay for the Services under this Agreement within the established time limits.

5.3.5. Provide the Contractor with up-to-date and reliable information necessary to receive information and training materials, as well as for prompt communication within the framework of the provision of services under this agreement, namely: last name and first name, valid mailbox, contact phone number.

5.3.6. Follow the rules of conduct at webinars and show respect for the Contractor, other participants in the training program.

5.3.7. not to record, distribute (publish, post on Internet sites, copy, transfer or resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes the information and materials provided by the Contractor to the Customer under this agreement, create information products on its basis in order to extract commercial profit , and use this information in any other way than for personal use.

5.3.8. Do not transfer to third parties and ensure the confidentiality of access passwords to the personal account in the closed section of the site and to the special software used to organize the services under this contract by the Contractor, as well as ensure the confidentiality of links to view the recordings of webinars received from the Contractor under this agreement.

5.3.9. Do not change in any way the software part of the site from which the Services are provided, do not take any actions aimed at changing the functioning and performance of the site.

5.3.10. Do not post personal data of third parties on the site without their consent, including home addresses, telephone numbers, passport details, email addresses.

5.3.11. Do not post commercial advertising, commercial offers, promotional information and any other intrusive information on the site, except when the placement of such information is agreed with the Contractor.

5.3.12. Resolve all disputes arising from this agreement only through the support service of the Contractor

The specified provision of this paragraph also means a ban on filing claims for services provided with the involvement of third parties (invited speakers, presenters), to such persons directly during the provision of services at the webinar or individual or group coaching session). The persons specified in this paragraph are not representatives of the Contractor authorized to consider such claims.  

5.3.13.  Do not distribute publicly on the Web information about the procedure and results of interaction between the Customer and the Contractor, including on the provision of services, returns under this agreement or consideration of claims arising from this agreement . Violation of this obligation is considered as unauthorized disclosure of trade secrets and / or damage to the honor and business reputation of the Contractor and its commercial project.

5.3.14. Do not disseminate defamatory information about the Contractor or its training program, invited speakers and presenters, which may harm the honor, dignity and business reputation of the Contractor and its commercial project.



5.4.1. Require the Contractor to properly fulfill its obligations under this agreement.

5.4.2. Receive information on any issues related to the organization of the execution of the Services under this agreement. 

6. The cost of services and the procedure for their payment. 

6.1. The cost of information and consulting services under this agreement is indicated on the website for the sale of the relevant Service and can be changed by the Contractor at any time unilaterally. The new cost comes into force from the moment of publication and does not apply to services paid for by the time of publication of such changes.

         6.2. Payment for the selected service is made by the Customer by crediting funds in the form of an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of services.

6.3. By agreement of the Parties, partial payment for the Services (in two or more payments) is possible. The terms of installment payment (amount and terms) are agreed by the parties in the relevant specific cases or may be determined by the Contractor in advance on the website for the sale of the Service. 

If the Customer violates the terms of the installment plan, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services until the Customer eliminates such violations.  

In the event that the Customer has not eliminated these violations within 5 (five) days from the date of sending the notification to the Contractor, then this agreement is considered fulfilled in the scope of those services for which access was paid for, and terminated at the initiative of the Customer. In this case, previously paid money will not be returned.

6.4. The Customer has the right to pay a part of the cost of the Services according to the “test drive” rules in order to get acquainted with the content and quality of the purchased Services during a certain period and reserve the conditions for their sale at the time of purchase of such a “test drive”.  At the same time, the test drive period and the amount of its cost for the relevant Service is determined by the Contractor in each specific case and is indicated on the Service sale website. 

The additional payment of the remaining part of the cost of the Services (up to the full cost of the purchased Service) is carried out by the Customer no later than the end date of the “test drive” period based on the cost of the Services established for the purchase of the “test drive”.

If the Customer has not timely paid the remaining cost of the Services before the end of the “test drive” period, then this agreement is considered to be executed in the scope of those services for which access was paid for, and terminated at the initiative of the Customer. In this case, previously paid money will not be returned.

6.5. By agreement with the Contractor, the Customer has the right to book participation in the training program by transferring a deposit to the Contractor's account, the amount and terms of payment of which are set on the Service sale website. The specified payment is taken into account in the subsequent payment by the Customer of the cost of the course.

If the Customer fails to timely pay the remaining cost of the Services under the terms of the deposit within the prescribed period before the start of the training program, then this agreement is considered terminated at the initiative of the Customer. At the same time, the previously paid funds on account of the deposit are subject to return minus the actual expenses of the Contractor for such a transfer.

6.6. Payment for access to training materials in the membership format is carried out in the form of a subscription fee (recurrent payments), which  are automatically debited from a bank (credit or other payment) card, whose data the Customer indicates when activating access to the membership's personal account , in the order of 100% prepayment.

In the absence of the required amount of the subscription fee on the payment card at the time of the next debiting of funds for the next access period, the Contractor notifies the Customer about this and suspends access to training materials until the required amount is received.


6.7. Payment for the service by the Customer is made by bank transfer, in cash at any bank branch, through payment systems, electronic money and in other ways that are indicated by the Contractor on the Service sale website. 

6.8. The moment of payment is considered the receipt of funds to the account of the Contractor.

7. Conditions and procedure for the return of funds

7.1. The Customer has the right to apply for a refund of the purchased Service (with the exception of the services specified in clause 7.2.) Subject to the following conditions:

  • no more than 14 (fourteen) calendar days have passed since the start of the training program (gaining access to the training program), unless a different period is set on the website for the sale of the relevant Service;

  • The customer completed all homework assignments according to the relevant training materials.

7.2. With regard to services for conducting individual and group coaching sessions, as well as in the form of face-to-face (“live”) trainings and seminars, the return rule specified in clause 7.1. does not apply, and a return is not carried out at the request of the Customer, since for organization and direct provision of such services, the Contractor bears the costs associated with the payment of certain amounts of money to third parties.

With regard to access to educational materials in the Membership format, the refund rule specified in clause 7.1. does not apply, since access to all materials included in the purchased Membership package is carried out at a time from the moment such access is activated (subscription fee for the corresponding access period is received ). 

7.3. When deciding to return, the Contractor has the right to withhold a part of the cost of the Services to reimburse the actual costs that he incurred at the time of receipt of the return application. 

The actual expenses of the Contractor include expenses incurred at the time of receipt of the application for a refund, in particular:

- the cost of the training materials provided to the Customer and the webinars held at the time of receipt of the return application;

- salary of the curator participating in the training program and checking homework, 

- expenses for the software used by the Contractor in the process of training or payment for third-party services, 

- the cost of bonus materials (at the price at the time of purchasing the course), 

- commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for the implementation of the return of funds.

The specific amount of actual costs for each case is determined by the Contractor independently, but cannot be less than 12% of the cost of the Services.

In the event that the Customer did not use the materials provided, did not participate, without valid reasons, documented, in webinars organized by the Contractor, the cost of such materials and services is also subject to inclusion in the Contractor's expenses, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor.  

7.4. The requirement for the return of the paid amounts, presented by the Customer later than the period established by paragraph 7.1. of this agreement, the Contractor considers, but is not subject to satisfaction, since such a refusal to satisfy is due to the need to pay certain amounts of money to third parties participating in the organization and conduct of the training program.

7.5. All refund requests will only be accepted via return form  and contact support at the phone number listed on the site. We will acknowledge receipt of the return request by email to the address provided during checkout.

7.6. Mandatory items in the refund application: 

  • addressee's name and applicant's details; 

  • the amount of payment for the Services, the reasons that prompted the return of the money; 

  • details for the transfer of funds;

  • applications, date, signature and decryption. 

7.7. A copy of the applicant's identity document, a screenshot of the payment document certifying payment in PDF or JPEG format must be attached to the return application. 

7.8. The decision to return or refuse to return funds is made by the Contractor within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant application from the Customer.

7.9. The funds are returned to the Customer's account, from which the training was paid, within 14  (fourteen) business days after the decision on the return is made.

7.10. If the application for a refund is satisfied, access to training materials for the Customer is terminated within 1 (one) business day from the date the Contractor sends the decision to the Customer on the corresponding return. The specified demand of the Customer for a refund is also considered a withdrawal of the previously given acceptance specified in clause 1.3. actual agreement.

8. Responsibility  

         8.1. In case of violation of the terms of this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the impossibility of providing services to the Customer for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, namely: disruption of the Internet, equipment or software by the Customer, failures in the operation of email distribution services, including when the Contractor's letters get into the "Spam" folder ". In this case, the services are considered to be rendered properly and payable in full.

_ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ No information, materials and / or consultations provided by the Contractor as part of the provision of services under this agreement can be considered as a guarantee of achieving the result, since this depends entirely on the actions of the Customer himself, his personal qualities, the quality and speed of development / implementation received from the Contractor knowledge and materials. 

Making decisions based on all the information provided by the Contractor is in the exclusive competence of the Customer. The Customer assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of information and materials provided by the Contractor as part of the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

         8.4. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement for the duration of force majeure. During this time, the parties do not have mutual claims, and each of the parties assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure. The Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer of the occurrence of such circumstances by posting information on the Website and / or to the e-mail box indicated by the Customer when making the payment, and the Customer is obliged to send the Contractor an with "Force Majeure" in the subject line. 

         Под обстоятельствами непреодолимой силы (форс - major circumstances) The Parties understand: fire, flood, earthquake, strikes and other natural disasters, war and hostilities, the entry into force of regulatory legal acts and acts of the application of law that impede the fulfillment of obligations, forced urgent (unscheduled) hospitalization, documented if the above circumstances are beyond the control of the Parties, impede the implementation of this agreement and arose after the conclusion of this agreement. Lack of time for the Customer for any reason to complete the training program, being on vacation, business trip, non-payment for Internet access, breakdown of Internet access means are not force majeure circumstances (force majeure)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

         8.5._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The Contractor's total liability under this contract for any action or claim in respect of the contract or its performance is limited to the amount of the payment paid to the Contractor by the Customer. At the same time, only real damages, but not lost profits, can be recovered from the Contractor.

8.6. The Customer is personally liable for the dissemination of defamatory information about the Contractor and its training program, including civil, administrative and criminal liability. 

8.7. The customer is personally responsible for the consequences of violations of the obligations provided for in paragraphs 5.3.12 - 5.3.14, including losses and damage caused as a result of such violations.  

9. Personal data and their use

         9.1. The Customer gives his consent to the Contractor for the processing of his personal data provided when purchasing the Services under this agreement and when registering in the closed section of the site.

         9.2. The processing of personal data means the recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data that do not fall under special categories for processing which, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the written consent of the Customer is required.

         9.3. The processing of personal data is carried out in order to fulfill the obligations of the Contractor under this agreement, provide the Customer with feedback when using the site, training programs, video courses, as well as for the purpose of sending information and advertising messages to the e-mail address specified by the Customer during registration (purchase of the Services).

         9.4. The processing of the Customer's personal data is carried out by the Contractor using databases located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

         9.5. The Customer may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by sending the Contractor a relevant notice to the At the same time, the Customer understands and acknowledges that the withdrawal to the processing of personal data may require the deletion of any information relating to the Customer's participation in the training program, including the deletion of the Customer's account in the closed section of the site and the termination of access to the materials of the purchased course.

         9.6. The Customer agrees to receive newsletters and promotional materials from the Contractor to the e-mail address and contact phone number specified by the Customer when registering on the Site.

         Согласие на получение информационных рассылок и promotional materials may be withdrawn by the Customer at any time by sending the appropriate notice to the Contractor at:

         9.7. The Customer agrees to the use of his image as a photograph of the Customer (avatar) by the Contractor free of charge.

   10. Copyright protection

10.1. The site from which the sale of the Contractor's Services is carried out or the direct provision of such Services contains the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Contractor, its affiliates and other related parties, representatives, all other persons acting on behalf of the Contractor.

         10.2. By using the website(s) of the Contractor, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that all the content of the website(s) and the structure of its content are protected by copyright, trademark rights and other rights to the results of intellectual activity, and that these rights are valid and protected in in all forms, in all media and in relation to all technologies, both currently existing and developed or created subsequently. No rights to any content of the Contractor's website, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, computer programs, trademarks, are transferred to the Customer as a result of using the site and entering into this agreement.

         10.3. When citing materials from the Contractor's website, the Customer undertakes to provide a link to such a site .

         10.4. In the event that the Customer violates the provisions of this agreement relating to the protection of the copyright of the Contractor, the latter has the right to demand compensation for all losses incurred, including lost profits.

11. Final provisions

11.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance by the Customer in accordance with clause 1.3. agreement and is valid until the full fulfillment of obligations by the parties.

11.2. On all issues not regulated by this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.3. All disputes and disagreements between the parties are resolved through negotiations. At the same time, the claim procedure for resolving disputes arising from relations regarding the conclusion of this agreement is mandatory.

The recipient of the claim, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notifies the claimant in writing of the results of the consideration of the claim. 

If an agreement is not reached within the period specified in this paragraph, the dispute is submitted for consideration to the judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the Contractor. 

11.4. Recognition by the court of any provision of this agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity of its other provisions.

 12. Details of the Performers

ANDP Isabaev Shamil Olegovich

TIN: 9731055900
Gearbox: 773101001
PSRN: 1197746675170
Settlement account: 40702810601500056965
BIC: 044525999
Corr. account: 30101810845250000999
Legal address: 121205, Moscow, territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center
Postal address: 123022, Moscow, Stolyarny per. 3, bldg. 18, room 1, floor 2
Phone: +7 (495) 888888888


Financial Bigwig


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